Amel Soname Contact

Many people are defrauding people claiming to be Amel Soname magician or Amel Soname Healer and giving out phone numbers, making websites using the words: Amel Soname, creating emails, and social media accounts using Amel Soname . Social media is being used to spoil my name.I am NOT associated with these people who are claiming to be amel soname in any way or with those people who are running spiritual offices and asthana in the name of amel soname.If you have any questions or concerns, Amel Soname does not talk over the phone at all. You can contact amel soname through email ONLY. your questions will be answered on a first come first served basis. No other email address is valid to communicate with me except for

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

what is meant by haziraat?

Assalam oalaikum,
The term haziraat is related to the spiritual world. It is derived from the word hazir, which means to be present. If you call a person from somewhere so that person will come to you. Similarly, in the spiritual world, when an amil summons the spiritual entities that he has an agreement with, i.e. jinnat or mokkails so this is called haziraat.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

what is the reason of doing haziraat?

Assalam oalaikum,
Mostly amils do haziraat and they do it on the victims of black magic. Some of the amils do haziraat of moakkils through children. Whatever information they seek they may get it through the medium of children. However, this blog is about the haziraat of the jinnat. Therefore I shall discuss only this specific topic here. The reason why the jinnat are compelled to do haziraat or be present through the medium of the victim is to reprimand them and to threaten them so that they leave the victim and never dare to disturb him or her again. Sometimes the jinnat are very stubborn and do not comply easily. In such cases the amils can also inflict pain on them through some amals to punish them and to make them surrender. So basically when an amil compels the jinnat to do haziraat in front of him he his actually trying to make him come in front of the amil from within the victim. Once the jinnat do so, the amil has to bring them under his control, either by threatening him or by punishment, so that they leave the victim and never disturb him or her again.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

The threats of the jinnat during the haziraat

Assalam oalaikum,
It has to be kept in mind that the amil who has to make a jinnat do haziraat has to be fearless. If he is not courageous then he may have to mentally prepare himself before the haziraat. This is because when the jinnat are compelled by the amil to come out in the open, they start protesting. They know the human nature that men fear jinnat. So they try to take advantage of this fear and try to weaken the amil. They threaten the amil of dire consequences and use foul language to weaken his morale.
However, Allah (swt) has made us Ashraf-ul-makhluqat which means that we are his greatest creation. Hence we need not fear jinnat. The amils also summon them and deal with them strictly. They are also human beings. So a lesson should be learnt from them and the fear should be cast away in order to deal with the satanic jinnat in a firm way. Allah (swt) says in the Quran

64"Lead to destruction those whom thou canst among them, with thy (seductive) voice; make assaults on them with thy cavalry and thy infantry; mutually share with them wealth and children; and make promises to them." But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.
65"As for My servants, no authority shalt thou have over them:" Enough is thy Lord for a Disposer of affairs.

surah al isra chaptor no 64 ,65

the satan is weak so there is no need to be scared of him.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

The important guidelines that should be followed before haziraat

Assalam oalaikum,
You need to understand certain points before doing haziraat. First of all you should see if the victim of magic is strong enough to bear the haziraat process. If the victim is old and feeble or weak then haziraat should be avoided. If haziraat is performed on a weak person then it can affect his health.
Secondly, only those who have a certain amount of knowledge of amalaat should go ahead and summon the jinnat. Otherwise, if the jin appears somehow and you do not know how to handle him then he will at once understand your weakness and he will wreck havoc. Instead of helping the victim you may end up aggravating his miseries. If you are unable to control the jinnat after haziraat then he will throw a lot of weight around. He will leave no stone unturned in making the victim and his family miserable. He will get a chance to take revenge upon the victim for having the guts to make him appear before an amil. If the amil is not powerful enough to do a haziraat then he should avoid it. Otherwise there will be a nasty situation of the jinnat becoming unbridled and wrecking havoc on the victim. The amil will end up getting cursed by the victim and his family for all his life.
Therefore you should first prepare yourself fully before you embark on the program of haziraat.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

haziraat at the holy shrines

Assalam oalaikum,
All of you might have noticed that on some specific mazaars the jinnat are made to appear and they cry and protest to protect themselves. The haziraat is not done on every mazaar. It is done only on those mazaars on which the Buzurg has granted Faiz-e-Aam. This means that the Buzurg or the Holy Saint of that mazaar has allowed the spiritual help that he used to offer during his lifetime, to continue even after he passes away. Some of the Burugs on whose mazaar faiz-e-aam is offered are Shah Aqiq Baba, Shah Jalal Bab and Mir Datar Saheb.
The process is such that when a victim of black magic visits such a mazaar the jinnat who has possessed him is compelled to appear before the Buzurg of the mazaar. When he is punished by the Buzurg he screams and howls and starts jumping and doing somersaults. The haziraat process starts and the Buzurg go on torturing the jinnat till he surrenders before the Buzurg. The Buzurg make him promise before him that he will never try to harm the victim again. When the jinnat are brought to book they are left by the buzurg. Sometimes the haziraat process is long-drawn and may go on for a long time. The victim has to visit the mazaar every Thursday. The Buzurgs have immense power and if the jinnat try to avoid the haziraat then the Buzurgs send forth their spiritual agents who nab the jinnat and bring him before the Buzurgs. At the mazaar, the jinnat are beaten black and blue by the spiritual agents of the Buzurg. The reason behind all this beating is to make the jinnat surrender and promise before the Buzurgs that they will never do mischief again with the victim. When the jinnat are beaten to pulp and cannot bear the pain any longer so they fall down upon the feet of the Buzurg and they start wailing in front of them. They promise not to harm the victim. After this they are set free by the Buzurgs.
For making the jinnat do haziraat before the Buzurgs of the mazaar the victim has to viist the mazaar or else there is a special place outside the mazaars where the victim has to be present. After this, automatically the process of beating the jinnat and bringing them to book starts.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

hisar before haziraat

Assalam oalaikum,
When you sit down to do the amal recite Surah al-Hamd, Ayatal kursi and the 4 Quls thrice and then blow over your finger. Then make a complete circle around yourself with your finger. Remember that there should not be any gap in the circle otherwise the jinnat can intrude into the hissar and harm you.
Similarly a hissar is necessary before a haziraat amal also but with a slight change. Recite Ayatal kursi and the 4 Quls. After this read this dua. Then blow over your body. Then repeat the duas

آمَنَ الرَّسُولُ بِمَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْهِ مِن رَّبِّهِ وَالْمُؤْمِنُونَ ۚ كُلٌّ آمَنَ بِاللَّهِ وَمَلَائِكَتِهِ وَكُتُبِهِ وَرُسُلِهِ لَا نُفَرِّقُ بَيْنَ أَحَدٍ مِّن رُّسُلِهِ ۚ وَقَالُوا سَمِعْنَا وَأَطَعْنَا ۖ غُفْرَانَكَ رَبَّنَا وَإِلَيْكَ الْمَصِيرُ

and make a hissar or protective circle around yourself.

The amal for bringing moakkils under control the amil needs a strong protection. So the hissar is indispensable as it protects the amil from jinnat attacks. Before doing any amal recite the above mentioned dua thrice and then blow over yourself and then repeat the dua and then blow over a knife or your finger and then draw a hissar or an imaginary circle around yourself, leaving no gaps in-between.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname 

The method of doing Haziraat of jinnat

Assalam oalaikum
If a person wishes to make the jinnat appear before him, through the victim, then I am posting an easy method for this purpose.
During the waxing phase of the moon .i.e. from 1st -10th of a month when the moon increases in size, on Thursday in 7 Mushtare, prepare this taweez. So whenever you want to make a jin to do hazirat on its victim, then stir this taweez in water and give the water to the victim for drinking. Inshallah the jinnat will be forced to appear.

Amel soname contact

If you have any question contact me directly on my email. No other type of  help support or email support is valid to communicate with me. this is my email address

Remember me in your prayer 
amel soname